11 Hottest Makeup Trends From Around The World

11 Hottest Makeup Trends From Around The World

Makeup is one of the ways that people everywhere express themselves. Depending on the location, there are different customs and traditions in beauty and cosmetics. What may be standard in an African country will likely be different in an Asian country, a location in Europe, or in the United States.

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7 Timeless Tips For Curling Your Lashes

7 Timeless Tips For Curling Your Lashes

There are many different gadgets for curling eyelashes, but what many people don’t know is that what you do outside of these tools is important too. There are some natural and handy ways to enhance the look of your eyelashes that go beyond the traditional methods. If you are ready to learn all the ins and outs of achieving the most beautiful eyel lashes, check out these 7 timeless tips forCurling your lashes.

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