8 Nail Care Tricks to Keep Them Strong, Shiny and Healthy at Home

8 Nail Care Tricks to Keep Them Strong, Shiny and Healthy at Home

Eating foods that are high in keratin is a great way to improve nail health. Try to eat foods like beans, almonds, and fish. You can also take supplements like biotin and fish oil, which are also great for nails. Be careful with the kind of nail polish you choose.

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7 Habits of Everyday to Avoid If You Do Not Want Covid

7 Habits of Everyday to Avoid If You Do Not Want Covid

There are some preventative measures that can help increase your likelihood of getting sick. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continuously updates its guidelines with new information based on current studies. Check out these 7 habits for every day to avoid if you do not want COVID-19.

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People Expectations from a Gym

People Expectations from a Gym

Gym is so important if you want to be physically active as well as it gives you mental benefits. There are some expectations people have from a gym. Make sure to check the demand of working hours in your gym. People want to choose a gym where cleanliness is the priority.

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