7 Ways to Feel More Positive About Monday

7 Ways to Feel More Positive About Monday

The day of the week that people hate the most by a very long distance is probably Monday. If you’re not feeling properly energized to get started about your week, your only real option is to just power through it and hope it’ll get better as the week progresses. The thing that might help against the Monday blues is making some plans for things you can do during the week.

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These 10 Foods Will Boost Your Mood And Make You Happy

These 10 Foods Will Boost Your Mood And Make You Happy

Quinoa is one of the most popular health foods on the market. Research has discovered a flavonoid in quinoa that can help fight depression. Salmon is beneficial to mood because of its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Mushrooms are also great for mental health because they are high in vitamin D.

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