7 Simple Ways To Eat Right When Cooking Isn’t Your Forte

7 Simple Ways To Eat Right When Cooking Isn’t Your Forte

If you are not a good cook, you can still eat healthy by making simple meals. You can meal prep for the week, or you can even make enough to freeze and use weeks later. If you have friends or family that come over often, or who even live with you,you can also share your meals.

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8 ‘Health Foods’ That Are Bad For Weight Loss

8 ‘Health Foods’ That Are Bad For Weight Loss

The food industry is notorious for labeling foods as healthy, when in all actuality they are not. Because of this, it is very easy to consume fake health foods pretty frequently and not even realize it. To better understand what foods to avoid, check out these 8 “health foods” that are bad for weight loss.

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8 Ways Your Breakfast Is Making You Gain Weight

8 Ways Your Breakfast Is Making You Gain Weight

What you eat at breakfast can make the difference between an energized, productive day and a day that is lethargic and slow. A breakfast full of bad choices can even make you gain more weight. Following a few simple rules will help you make sure you are not putting on weight due to breakfast, without knowing it.

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