DIY Methods to Get Rid of Dandruff

DIY Methods to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes itching and flaking. There are many reasons why dandruff happens, including stress, genetics and improper hair care practices. Dandruff can sometimes be confused with dry scalp, but the two are very different conditions. Check out these 5 DIY methods to get rid of d andruff.

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What is Visceral Fat?

What is Visceral Fat?

You can have visceral fat and have a somewhat flat stomach. When this happens, it's called TOFI: thin outside fat inside. The only way to find out how much of this fat is in your body is through an expensive test, one which a doctor will not order for this purpose alone. Visceral fat is linked to a number of health conditions.

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Beauty Secrets from the Kitchen

Beauty Secrets from the Kitchen

The more you care about your skin the longer it will be healthier and radiant. Women in today’s world aspire to become perfect wives, hostesses, and daughters. They have a lot of time for everything but not for themselves to oversee their skin, hair and body. There are so many beauty secrets you can use from your kitchen.

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