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The Healing Power of Nature: Embracing Eco-Therapy for Your Well-Being

The Healing Power of Nature: Embracing Eco-Therapy for Your Well-Being

Eco-therapy, also known as nature therapy or green therapy, includes spending time in nature to improve mental health and connect with oneself.

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The Great Pleasure of Mountaineering

The Great Pleasure of Mountaineering

Mountaineering, also known as mountain climbing, is an activity that involves reaching new heights. The majority of people do so for the sheer pleasure of climbing. Mountain climbing is one of the most thrilling activities, providing an adrenaline rush unlike any other. It is an adventure that takes you closer to nature and allows you to form strong bonds with it.

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Cooking Women’s Ultimate Pleasure

Cooking Women’s Ultimate Pleasure

Womenmostly enjoy cooking and baking. After a long day at work, they want to spend some of the time in the kitchen to relax. They find pleasure in cooking and if they do not have time for it they truly miss it. On bad days when you are struggling with mental health issues, it acts as a form of meditation for women.

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Fashion through ages and culture

Fashion through ages and culture

Culture and society have a great impact on our fashion. Fashion deals with what we wear must be stylish whereas society, education, values and norms make culture. In the past, fashion was less influenced and segmented by global culture but as time passes we are turning towards more global fashion.

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