15 Celeb Salads That Will Make You Healthier

15 Celeb Salads That Will Make You Healthier

What you eat has a huge impact on your overall health. One of the easiest ways to pick up one healthier meal a day is to focus on salads. Salads pack a powerful punch in the nutrient department, and can actually be quite filling. Check out these 15 celeb salads that will make you healthier.

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7 Fresh Salads Under 100 Calories

7 Fresh Salads Under 100 Calories

Salads can be a great way to stick to your weight loss plans, by increasing your veggie intake, filling up without so many calories and giving yourself a boost of guilt-free energy. Salads with a diverse variety of ingredients will help you upkick your nutrient intake, which will give you many powerful and needed components your body may have been missing. Check out these 7 fresh salads under 100 calories.

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