Your Skin Is a Superhero: How to Support Your Body’s Biggest Organ

Your Skin Is a Superhero: How to Support Your Body’s Biggest Organ

Skin is actually a huge part of your body, accounting for around 15 percent of your weight. Skin helps to do many functions within the body, such as: provide immunity, release toxins through sweat, synthesize vitamin D, make melanin. The best approach for skin health is to provide support from the inside, as well as the outside. Research has found that acne is linked to high intake of sugar, and processed foods can be a cause of atopic dermatitis. For topical support of your skin, skin experts suggest investing in high quality products. These include a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type, a good cleanser and a broad spectrum sunscreen.

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When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body

When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body

Salmon is very fatty and rich in texture and has a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other fish. One of the best types to purchase is wild caught, but farmed salmon is still beneficial as well. Salmon can help you recover more quickly from injuries.

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