What to Do When More Exercise and Stricter Dieting Don’t Work

What to Do When More Exercise and Stricter Dieting Don’t Work

Many times when we think of getting results from exercise, we think we need to work harder and harder. More is not always better, and the pathway of extreme exercise and dieting will only lead you to burnout. The key to combatting a lack of results that is healthier than extremes and obsession is to find your Optimal Effective Dose.

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Do you prefer to Work out with Free Weights or Machines?

Do you prefer to Work out with Free Weights or Machines?

Free weights can be used instead of weight machines because they are less costly, more flexible, and perform more muscle groups simultaneously. In today\'s economy, people need to get the best bang for their buck. Most people cannot afford weight machines, and gym memberships can be costly. Working out particular muscle groups may cause supporting muscles to become weak.

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