7 Essential Beauty Foods for Women (3 of 4)


Spinach is a perfect food for enhancing beauty. It’s full of antioxidants and nutrients that boost your health on a cellular level. This leafy green is chocked full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B, C and E, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. This makes spinach a beauty superfood. Additionally, spinach is easy to add into meals like smoothies, salads or as sides for dinner. Try steaming it or mixing it into an omelet.


Kiwis are an underrated fruit that is a secret beauty powerhouse. Sources say that it actually has more vitamin C and potassium than oranges. Not only is the fruit beneficial, but the seeds are a source of healthy fats that are great for your hair and skin. Kiwis are good for firming up skin, preventing wrinkles, and strengthening bones and teeth. They are also a great food for fighting cancer and heart disease. Pair them with other fruits or toss into a smoothie.