7 Food Items That Make You Smell Better and Feel Sexier (3 of 4)

Yogurt vs. Milk

Remember that choline we talked about with pumpkins? Yeah, milk has that too. Yogurt on the other hand has some probiotics in it that help neutralize your body odor. It does this by combating toxins inside your body that make you smell worse. So next time you’re having your morning cereal, try eating them with yogurt instead of just milk. The people sitting next to you on the bus will thank you.

Green Tea vs. Coffee

Caffeine is sadly known for creating very bad body odor. Green tea on the other hand contains neat things like polyphenols and catechins, both of which help in making you smell better or less bad. Green and black tea also contain tannins, which help a lot in combating foot odor. It’s a very specific problem to fix, but at least it’s effective and easy to do.