From the 1950s to the Present: The “It” Girl From Every Decade

Being the “it” girl is more than just being a celebrity. It’s about having a certain je ne sais quoi, a star quality that sets you apart from the pack. It’s about being the one everyone is talking about, the one who’s always on the cover of magazines, and the one who’s always in demand for the hottest roles.

It’s also about being a trendsetter and a fashion icon. The “it” girl is always ahead of the curve, and she always knows what’s hot. She’s the one who inspires other women to dress like her and to wear her hair and makeup like her.

But being the “it” girl isn’t just about looks. It’s also about having a personality that people love. The “it” girl is charming, funny, and relatable. She’s someone that people want to be around and someone that they want to know.

In today’s world, social media has played a big role in creating “it” girls. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have given young women a platform to showcase their talents and build a following. As a result, many of today’s “it” girls are social media influencers who have amassed millions of followers. With that in mind, here are some of the most legendary “it” girls from each decade from the 1950s through the 2020s.

Marilyn Monroe (1950s)

The “it girl” of the 1950s was undoubtedly Marilyn Monroe. She epitomized the glamour and sex appeal of Hollywood during this era and became one of the most well-known and lasting symbols of charm and fame. Monroe’s rise to fame was marked by her roles in movies like “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953) and “Some Like It Hot” (1959). Her attractiveness, vulnerability, and charisma drew audiences all around the world. Her iconic status was cemented by memorable scenes, like the subway grate scene in “The Seven Year Itch” (1955), where her skirt billows up.