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10 Films Every Florence Pugh Fan Must Watch

In a cinematic landscape often dominated by Hollywood legacies, Florence Pugh emerges as a refreshing force, a self-made talent whose climb to the top is marked by raw skill rather than industry connections. The Academic Award-nominated British actress, born in Oxfordshire, has carved her own path, captivating audiences with her exceptional performances and undeniable authenticity. From period dramas to intense thrillers, all of these films showcase the diverse range of roles that have defined Pugh’s burgeoning career. Her journey is proof of the enduring power of talent in an industry that is often overshadowed by patronage. As a testament to her prowess, here’s a list of 10 movies that every Florence Pugh fan will love.

Lady Macbeth Florence Pugh, Hairstyle, Picture frame, Eye, Dress, Azure, Comfort, Fashion, Couch, Textile, Lighting

Lady McBeth

In William Oldroyd’s stark and unsettling Lady Macbeth, which despite the title has nothing to do with the Shakespeare play, Pugh delivered a powerhouse performance that made her the talk of the town. She portrayed Katherine Lester, a young woman trapped in a loveless, suffocating marriage. Sold off to a much older man for his fortune, Katherine endures relentless cruelty and isolation within the confines of their opulent estate.