The Keto Diet: Pros, Cons And Tips (4 of 5)

Keto can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

“Because the keto diet is so restricted, you’re not receiving the nutrients — vitamins, minerals, fibers — that you get from fresh fruits, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains,” says Dr. Ring. This lack of nutrition can lead to fatigue and brain fog, so much so, that the condition has a name: keto flu. The lack of fiber in the diet can also cause constipation.

Because the keto diet is so restricted, you’re not receiving the nutrients — vitamins, minerals, fibers — that you get from fresh fruits, legumes, vegetables and whole grains



There is a risk of kidney disease.

Patients who have renal issues may be at risk on this diet, which also begs the question if there are any risks even for those with normal kidney function. “Patients with kidney disease have an increased risk of requiring dialysis on the keto diet due to the additional ketones that their renal system has to process,” says Dr. Maganti. Additionally, there are issues with hydration. The keto diet is essentially removing glycogen from the bloodstream, which helps to hold water in the body. Because of this, some people have reported extreme cases of dehydration on the keto diet.

Patients with kidney disease have an increased risk of requiring dialysis on the keto diet due to the additional ketones that their renal system has to process