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13 Ways to Burn 100 Calories

We’re all looking for more ways to increase our physical activity. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some tactics you could use to increase caloric burn without going to the gym? The good news is there are several ways you can burn calories and stay out of a workout facility. Some of us just don’t have time to go to the gym, or would prefer not to. Finding ways to incorporate more physical activity into your everyday routine is a great way to stay active. Would you believe that many of the things you do on a daily basis are actually burning calories? Keeping track of the calories you burn with these kinds of activities is just like workouts at a gym: they will vary based on height, weight, age, and intensity level. But nonetheless, you will still be getting in a good amount of physical activity. For the sake of this article, the examples are for a 150 — pound woman. But read on to find out 13 ways that you can burn 100 calories.

Thiepval Memorial To The Missing Of The Somme, Stairs, Sleeve

Climb a Flight of Stairs

Whether you’re at work or home, or even in a hotel or shopping mall, there will always be a flight of stairs nearby. Choosing to take the stairs versus the elevator can definitely increase your activity. Just ten minutes of walking stairs can burn 100 calories. This will help build strength and lower body toning.