8 ‘Health Foods’ That Are Bad For Weight Loss (4 of 5)


This one is a hard truth to accept, but typical granola is not what you think it is. The ingredients of granola are high in calories, like the dried fruit and nuts. And the whole mix will usually contain high fat, carbs and sugar, as well as unhealthy oils. What makes it worse is that the serving sizes are small, so you will likely consume more than the label suggests making it a healthy snack.

Fat-Free Salad Dressing

Salad dressings that are marketed as fat free may cut down on the fat, but check out the label and see what is included in its place. Typically, the ingredient list reads on forever, and includes processed, sugar ingredients. Instead, try out a homemade dressing with a healthy oil like flaxseed or olive oil as the base. You can include things like apple cider vinegar, mustard, lemon juice and herbs for taste.