8 High-Protein Vegetables You Need In Your Diet (3 of 4)


Artichokes aren’t very commonly used in a lot of dishes, especially not in large amounts, but they do have 4 grams of protein per large artichoke. That’s right – you only need one. The majority of the protein can be found in the heart so you could even get away with only eating half of one. I won’t judge, they don’t taste all that delicious.


Popeye knew this already, but spinach is one of the highest protein vegetables on Earth. A cup will net you 5 grams of protein, but do note that this is a cooked cup. Uncooked that probably means you need to get half a truckload of it. You can add it to loads and loads of dishes though, so having a lot of it in the house is never going to be a problem.