Is It Okay To Consume Mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise is either something you openly admit to hating or you secretly like it and fear that the truth will come out. It is in fact the most popular condiment in the world!

Of course, another issue is that since people love using things in huge quantities, mayo has developed a bad reputation due to its high fat content. Slices of chicken? Good. Drowning it in mayo to make chicken salad? Not so much.

Then there’s the problem of salmonella and such. You’ve probably heard of plenty of stories of people getting food poisoning during a summer cookout because Aunt Grezelda’s award-winning potato salad was left out in the sun for too long.

We do have some good news though. If you eat mayo in moderation and properly prepare and store it, there’s no reason why you can’t incorporate it into your healthy diet.

What Is Mayonnaise?

So glad you asked! We sent our elite team of scientists and researchers out to get to the bottom of this question. After glancing at the ingredients list on a jar of natural, organic mayonnaise that they spotted at a grocery store, this is what they reported back: oil, egg yolk, and lemon juice. When mixed together through emulsion, you end up with the creamy condiment that becomes the foundation for your tuna salad sandwich.