When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body (3 of 4)

Your cholesterol might improve

High cholesterol is becoming more prevalent year by year, with an estimated 95 people dealing with it in just America alone. A bonus for those who may be dealing with high cholesterol is that salmon could help you lower it. “Your bad cholesterol (LDL) will drop due to the low saturated fat and high Omega-3 content in salmon,” says Ivanir. “Low LDL is critical for optimal artery function and heart health.”

Your brain could get a boost too

Salmon can actually lower your risk of brain disease. “Consuming EPA and DHA supports the health of the brain at all stages of life,” says Christie Naze, a registered dietician. “It is beginning to become clear that low DHA status may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, and with cognitive impairment associated with aging.” Salmon can also help you improve your mood because of the Omega-3 content.