Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Life (2 of 3)

Get some extra steps in

If your job requires you to sit at a desk for long periods of time, this one is especially for you. Our modern lives have made us much less active. Because of this, we just don’t move around as much as we have in prior decades. This means you have to intentionally take time to move more. When you are at the grocery store, park a few spots back than usual and get those steps in. When you have the option to take the elevator, take the stairs instead. And another way to get some extra activity in at work is to wear a device that tracks your activity. You can set reminders to encourage you to move hourly, and you can get invested in hitting a daily steps goal to keep you motivated.

Make sure you take a lunch break

On top of not moving much during our work days, many of us are staring at computer screens all day. This can take a huge toll on our physical and mental health. But the way many of us move throughout the day, it is not unlikely to take lunch at the desk and shovel down a sandwich while working away. To take some time for yourself, actually leave your desk and take a real lunch break. This will give you some time to decompress, regather yourself and dial back from constant thinking and stimulation. Going for a walk around the block or sitting outside and listening to some music can work wonders for your mental state, your attitude towards work, and likely will improve your performance as well.