How To Deal With Your Toughest Cravings (2 of 5)


Sweets and candies are another tough craving to beat. But the worst thing you can do when trying to get over a candy craving is to try to go cold turkey. The best approach is to wean yourself off little by little, this way you can gradually reduce your candy intake. Trick your brain with a few pieces here and there, and you’ll eventually see that your cravings for candy have reduced.


Just about everyone loves a good carb. There is something so satisfying about warm bread and a big bowl of pasta. One of the reasons we crave carbs is when we are feeling low on energy. This can be why carb cravings are so high at night after a long day. The later you go to bed, the more susceptible you are to carb cravings, so try to get to bed earlier so that your tired body won’t call out for carbs.