How To Deal With Your Toughest Cravings (3 of 5)


Cheese is a vice for many people, and it is one that is loaded with calories. But cheese doesn’t necessarily have to be totally cut from your diet. You can begin to improve your cheese intake by opting for healthier cheeses. Look for cheeses that are reduced fat. Also instead of grabbing a hunk of cheese or having a huge cheese pizza, shave some Parmesan over a side of veggies or a salad.

Comfort Food

This category can include a number of things, but everyone has their go to comfort foods. But decreasing the intake of your favorite comfort foods is really about training your brain to want it less. From a psychological standpoint, it is important to reduce your access to these foods. This could mean having them occasionally, but not having a stockpile of comfort food in the house that you have to constantly avoid.