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Metabolism to Mental Health: 7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire

Many people get caught up in the constant urge to lose weight. And while maintaining weight is essential to a healthy lifestyle, the means that we take to achieve this healthy weight can actually do us more harm than good. It can be tempting to get into the mind frame of fast weight loss. There are so many gimmicks and trends that promote losing weight fast, that it is not surprising that so many fall victim to these “get slim quick” advertisements and products. But there are many side effects and unfavorable conditions that can come from losing weight too fast. It may look appealing in the short term, but the long-term outcome is typically not worth the trouble. The best way to lose weight is naturally over time for a number of reasons. If you want to learn just how dangerous quick weight loss can be, check out these 7 ways losing weight too fast will backfire.

Weight Increase, Joint, Shoulder, Leg, Comfort, Plant, Wood, Knee, Gesture

The weight can come right back

One of the biggest downfalls to quick weight loss is that it can make the weight come back with a quickness. “Losing weight too quickly, especially through starvation techniques, can result in a number of side effects, some more downright dangerous than others,” says Emmie Satrazemis, a registered dietitian and Trifecta Nutrition Director. “Perhaps most notably: When people lose weight too quickly, they’re often not able to successfully keep it off.” Research shows that almost two-thirds of people who lose weight quickly will end up gaining back more weight than they lost.