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Metabolism to Mental Health: 7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire (2 of 4)

Woman cares about the figure and maintains a strict diet.

You are starving your body of essential nutrients

When you don’t eat a balanced diet in order to lose weight, you are setting yourself up for potential malnutrition. “Many [quick] diets and eating plans cut out whole food groups, which means you could be missing out on key nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that you need to stay healthy,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, registered dietitian, author, and nutritionist. And a lack of nutrients can lead to many harmful side effects, such as decreased energy, hair loss, immune system issues, weakened bones, and brittle nails.

Slower Metabolism

You can slow down your metabolism

Many rapid weight loss plans require a drop in calories to something in the range of 1200 calories a day. This decrease in calories makes our bodies believe that it is in starvation mode, and must go into survival mode as well. “When your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism will slow down to help you conserve energy and your body will hang onto more fat,” says personal trainer Kristina Alai. One rule to follow is that if you are cutting calories, don’t cut more than 500 per day than your regular caloric intake. “This approach may not offer the same instant gratification, but you’ll actually transform your body in the long run,” says Keri Gans, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified yoga instructor.