7 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Water is such an important part of our health. Almost 60 percent of the human body is made up of water. So it’s no surprise how vital it is to keep our bodies in proper operation. Water helps us to detox and flush out toxins, keep weight in check, and produce needed fluids in the body like saliva. Water also makes sure that we can have bowel movements and maintain muscle mass. But when you don’t drink enough water and the body becomes dehydrated, all sorts of things can get out of whack. Dehydration can cause things like fatigue, weakened immunity, and dry skin. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time to up your water intake. Here are 7 signs that you are not drinking enough water.

Bad Breath

Water is responsible for helping the body produce saliva, which is essential in rinsing away bacteria. Getting rid of this bacteria is what helps your gums and teeth stay healthy. So without this enough water to produce saliva, this bacteria can get caked onto the gums, tongue, and teeth. This can cause bad breath on a chronic level.