The Surprising Truth About Body Positive Yoga

Traditional yoga has been around for thousands of years and has a set of poses and sequences that are meant to promote physical and mental health. But in more recent years, many have highlighted the disparities in the body type historically associated with traditional yoga: very thin, with little to no body fat. Many yogis have made strides to develop a different conceptualization of yoga that is more inclusive and welcoming of diversity. Thus, the concept of body-positive yoga was born. Body-positive yoga is a newer practice that emphasizes acceptance of all body types and abilities, and focuses on creating a safe and inclusive space for students to practice yoga. Read on to learn more about body-positive yoga, how it differs from the traditional practice, and just how meaningful emphasizing “yoga for all” can be to the wellness community at large. 

The term “body positive” itself is somewhat new and continues to evolve. While it may mean different things depending on the person, body positivity is generally thought to advocate for the acceptance and celebration of all body types, including those that do not conform to traditional beauty standards. It encourages people to focus on self-care and self-love rather than striving for an unattainable ideal of physical perfection.