7 Healthy Fruits You Should Eat Daily to Stay Young and Fit

Fruit is a great food to keep in rotation on a daily basis. Not only are they delicious, but they are full of the nutrients and minerals your body needs. They also contain a good kind of fats and proteins. A good goal is to strive for about 5 or 6 servings of fruit each day. If you are not meeting this daily goal, it may be time to add some new variety to your diet. The best approach is to find fruits that are organic and non-GMO. Fruits help to keep your metabolism boosted, give you energy, and improve your skin. They can even help to cleanse your body and support your natural pathways of detoxification. These fruits are tasty and can help you get all the nutrients you need. If you are ready to learn more about these delicious options, check out these 7 healthy fruits you should eat daily to stay young and fit.


Apples are a great fruit to eat more of. They are readily available in many parts of the world, and are packed with fiber and nutrients. They also contain quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them great for people who suffer from seasonal allergies, or who want to protect their heart from disease. Studies show that people who eat five apples a week even have improved lung function.