7 Habits of Everyday to Avoid If You Do Not Want Covid (4 of 4)

Try not to touch your face very often

Without even realizing it, you probably touch your face a lot. Actually, research shows that the average person can touch their face up to five times per minute. That’s a lot of germ spreading! Try to refrain from touching your nose or mouth as much as possible. Any germs that you transfer from your hands to your nose or mouth can potentially travel to your throat, sinuses, and even lungs. It may take some time to adjust to. But with some discipline, you can drastically reduce how much you spread germs.

Frequently disinfect surfaces and objects

Germs are invisible, and live everywhere. Any surfaces or objects that you touch frequently are guaranteed to be covered in invisible germs. These can include things like countertops, doorknobs, laptops, cell phones, refrigerators and other household appliances, and light switches. Put yourself on a regular schedule to disinfect and wipe down all of these surfaces and objects on a weekly basis. You will be surprised at how much this can cut down your chances of spreading the virus, or other things like the common cold or flu.

Tags: health, friends, family, germs, COVID-19