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8 Easy Ways To Be Happier Right Now

What many people want to know and are in pursuit of finding out: how to be more happy. Sometimes people pursue happiness by looking for a new job, or trying to lose weight. Others try to find happiness in other people or material objects. But the truth is external things are fleeting, and can make finding happiness an elusive task. And giving yourself future goals as “dangling carrots” for happiness are dangerous as well. Saying things like, “I’ll be happy when I make more money,” or “I’ll be happy if I can just have more friends,” makes your happiness something you will always have to chase and wait for in the future. But there are ways you can find happiness right now, no matter where you are in life. If you are ready to find your piece of happiness today, check out these 8 ways to be happier right here and now.

Hand, Hair, Skin, Joint, Hand, Arm, Facial expression, Human body, Neck, Happy, Finger

Start saying no

It can be difficult to do if you never do, but saying no can be such a freeing act. Always telling people yes can set you up for unhappiness because you will eventually give too much of yourself away to others. By saying no, you respect your boundaries and teach others to do the same. This single, but powerful act can make you more happy by telling yourself that you matter and deserve respect.