7 Meal Hacks To Maintain a Healthy Weight (2 of 4)

Drink more water

There is more to staying full than simply getting enough food; you also need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aside from keeping you hydrated, water is also important for convincing your brain that you’re full. How? By activating the stretch receptors in the stomach. Not only does this send signals that you don’t need any food, it tells the body not to release hunger hormones. But when we suggest water, we really mean it. Downing sugary sodas and even beverages with artificial sweeteners have the unwanted effect of making us feel even hungrier later in the day. 

Avoid simple, highly processed carbs

Just as you need to add more fiber in your diet, you also need to avoid certain nutrients, particularly simple carbohydrates like the kind found in white pasta, bread, and fried foods. Simple carbs are quickly processed by the body, making you feel hungry again almost right away. Instead, opt for whole grain bread, brown rice, or quinoa as they contain complex carbohydrates that digest far more slowly. Pair these up with grilled fish or chicken and a leafy salad for a perfectly balanced meal.