12 Tips for Getting Over the Flu in a Jiffy

Feeling like your body’s been hijacked by a rogue flu virus? You’re not alone. This unwelcome guest might have you feeling constantly fatigued and wishing for hibernation. But it doesn’t mean you have to suffer. We’ve got your back (and sneezes) covered in this article, helping you feel festive again faster than you can say “chicken noodle soup.” The key to recovering quickly is to remain vigilant so that if you do become sick, you’ll be fully prepared to deal with it. Here are 12 practical tools and gentle nudges to get you back on your feet (and sipping hot cocoa) in no time.

1. Stay home

Resist the urge to be a viral villain! Your body needs rest to fight this flu foe, and staying home is your superpower. Think cozy fortress, not isolation chamber. Curl up with a good book, binge-watch shows on your favorite streaming service, or simply nap like a pro—your couch is your recovery chariot, ride it!