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9 Ways To Calm Yourself During a Panic Attack

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and scary, leaving you feeling like the world is closing in. But amidst the swirling emotions and physical sensations, remember: you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to regain control. This guide equips you with nine practical strategies to navigate a panic attack, from calming breathing exercises to grounding techniques that bring you back to the present moment. Remember, knowledge is power, and with these tools at your disposal, you can weather the storm and find your way back to a calmer state. Take a deep breath, let’s begin.

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Acknowledge intrusive thoughts without judgment

Recognizing and accepting the presence of these thoughts, rather than resisting them, is the first step to managing their impact. It’s important to remember that thoughts themselves are not harmful, and your reaction to them plays a crucial role. By acknowledging them neutrally, you can begin to detach from their power and move towards healthier coping mechanisms.