15 Terrifying Signs That You Are The Crazy Girlfriend (3 of 3)

Other women looking at him piss you off

Another woman even looking at him is enough to ruin your whole day. This is a clear indication that you view him with ownership, as if he is your property.

You are secretly trying to trap him

Have you ever considered skipping your birth control, or compromising protection during sex — all in a ploy to keep him around? This is a huge red flag.

You have personally deleted photos of his ex

It could be considered normal for you to slightly dislike him having pictures of his ex. But did you personally go through his phone or belongings and get rid of the pictures yourself? This kind of behavior is totally intrusive.

You obsess over your intimacy

You might over-scrutinize your performance in bed, and worry constantly that you aren’t satisfying your partner. You need constant reassurance that he is not dissatisfied with you intimately.

Everything he does causes drama

Everyone makes mistakes in relationships, but everything he does cannot be wrong. You taking issue with every little thing he does and causing a blow-up argument is also a warning sign.

You have contacted a private detective

If things are so bad that you have considered hiring or have already contacted a private detective, it is time for you to walk away.

Tags: love, women, intimacy, new chapter