Exactly How To Be A High Value Woman: 7 Traits & Examples (4 of 4)

Embracing your “walking power”

Your “walking power” is your autonomy to leave a situation or say no to something that does not serve your highest good. This means that at any point, if a relationship or any component of it is not working for you, you have the power to walk away. Many times, we think that if we are not getting what we want in a relationship, we can stick around for it to get better or wait for our partners to improve. While relationships do take work, patience and sacrifice, every high value woman has a limit at which they know when and how to exercise their right to exit. The great thing is that when you say no to what you don’t like or want, you give your partner the option to do better and change — or you eliminate the gray area and definitively know it won’t work. You also free yourself up for someone else who can and will meet your needs. 

Have respect

Women look for men who are respectful and considerate, and this should be a trait that you can reciprocate to him as well. No one wants to be mistreated, talked down to or disrespected. Moving through your interactions with respect, kindness and consideration is a wonderful distinction of a high value woman. 

Tags: energy, confidence, respect, confident