7 Ways to Release Yourself From Body Shame

7 Ways to Release Yourself From Body Shame

Many people suffer from low self-esteem or poor body image, which has a direct impact on how they think of themselves. Having negative self-talk and ultimately body shaming is easy to fall into in today’s society. If you are ready to begin working past negative views of yourself, check out these 7 ways to release yourself from body shame. Being skinny is not always healthy. We glorify thin bodies when we should be exalting healthy bodies. Whatever weight your body naturally rests in at optimal health is what you should strive for. Focus on your inner beauty. Liking who you are on the inside, and nourishing yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually will positively affect how you feel about your outer appearance.

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Exactly How To Be A High Value Woman: 7 Traits & Examples

Exactly How To Be A High Value Woman: 7 Traits & Examples

A high value woman is one who has a certain set of traits that make her sought after by men. These kinds of women are confident in themselves, love who they are, and it exudes through their energy. Energy that is fueled by these traits and love of self are what make them so magnetic. Every high value woman has a limit at which they know when and how to exercise their right to exit. Women look for men who are respectful and considerate, and this should be a trait that you can reciprocate to him as well. No one wants to be mistreated, talked down to or disrespected.

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