Crystals of Transformation: 12 Healing Stones and Their Magical Purposes (2 of 7)

Happens If You Put Rose Quartz, Food, Finger


Quartz is a versatile and widely used crystal that comes in many forms, including clear, rose, smoky, and amethyst. It is known as the “master healer” and is believed to amplify energy and thought, as well as the effects of other crystals. Clear quartz is particularly useful for focusing the mind and enhancing clarity, making it a popular choice for meditation and spiritual work.

Amethyst Crystal, Purple, Product, Dishware, Body jewelry, Gesture


Amethyst is a beautiful purple gemstone that has been used for centuries for its healing and spiritual properties. In ancient times, it was believed to ward off negative energy and promote tranquility and sobriety. Today, it is still highly regarded as a stone of spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. One of the primary uses of amethyst is for meditation and spiritual growth. It is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, as well as promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Many people use amethyst to help them connect with their higher selves and the divine.