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11 Makeup Tricks for Dark Skin

11 Makeup Tricks for Dark Skin

For many years, there were hardly any products with proper palette selections for dark skin. There are more companies who are getting better at inclusivity in skin tone. But it can still be difficult for people with darker skin tones to find shades that complement their skin. These hacks will show you how to make different looks work for you, and what trends and styles work best for you.

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Cute Puppy Eyes Makeup Trend You Need to Know About

Cute Puppy Eyes Makeup Trend You Need to Know About

Puppy dog eyeliner is a new concept out of Korea that puts a soft spin on the more sassy look of cat eye eyeliner. This look out of Asia is different in the lack of curvature in the eyeliner line. It is less expressive and more understated, with a straight even line, or one that even droops. This gives for a heightened innocent puppy dog look, which is totally adorable.

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