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8 Ways Your Breakfast Is Making You Gain Weight

It is a very well-known saying that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. But what if the way you are consuming breakfast is actually having a negative impact on your health? Eating a good breakfast is in fact a great start to the day. But what you eat at breakfast matters greatly. What you choose to consume first thing in the morning can make the difference between an energized, productive day and a day that is lethargic and slow. A breakfast full of bad choices can even make you gain more weight. This is why it is essential to ensure that you are eating a breakfast that can provide the proper nutrients to satisfy the body’s needs. Following a few simple rules will help you make sure you are not putting on weight due to breakfast, without knowing it. If you are ready to adopt a better breakfast routine, check out 8 ways your breakfast is making you gain weight.

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You don’t have protein at breakfast

One of the biggest pitfalls at breakfast time is not having enough protein at breakfast. If you are not full at your morning meal, this will only leave you hungry later and ready to snack throughout the day to curb your hunger. Start introducing a lean protein into your diet to ensure you are full for longer, which can be as simple as a banana and walnuts or a hard-boiled egg.