8 High-Protein Vegetables You Need In Your Diet


Everyone’s going on a diet these days and very few of them include eating more meat. Vegetables have become the key to a healthy diet and a healthy life, so people have been paying more and more attention to getting the maximum result out of their daily greens. The main issue with having a veggie-heavy diet is that it’s not very easy to find vegetables that are high in protein, which is usually found in meat and dairy products. Thankfully, we’re about to give you a useful list that’ll solve that issue for you.

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn has a lot of protein in it. A full ear of corn nets you a whopping 5 grams of protein, which is going to be a huge boost to your intake. The best way to make corn still is and always will be throwing some butter on it and putting it in the oven or on the grill for about fifteen minutes. You could also add some canned corn to your salad of choice.