When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body

When it comes to seafood, there are many options to choose from. And while there are several great types of fish to choose from, salmon is one of the most beneficial. It is very fatty and rich in texture and has a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other fish. In addition to its great taste, it is very healthy in nature. Still, another great aspect of salmon is that it is very versatile in terms of preparation. It can be grilled, seared in a pan, smoked, or baked. Some even consume it raw if the quality is high.

The quality and type of salmon is definitely a factor to consider when consuming this fish. One of the best types to purchase is wild caught, but farmed salmon is still beneficial as well. Farmed salmon is considerably cheaper, so this may factor into your decision making. If you do choose farmed, be sure to search for companies that practice sustainable and healthy farming practices. So with that being said, if you are planning to eat fish daily, you may wonder how this will affect you. Here is an in-depth look at what happens to your body when you eat salmon every day.

Your eyes will say thank you

Salmon can work wonders for your eye health. “Your eyes will feel less dry because the Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can improve the quality of the oil layer in your tear film,” says Dr. Jonathan Wolfe, a New York based optometrist. “This important oil layer is produced by small glands on the margins of our eyelids, and serves to prevent the tears that lubricate our eyes from evaporating too quickly.” Salmon can also boost retinal health.