7 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water (4 of 4)

More Sugar Cravings

When your body is not properly hydrated, it cannot effectively reach stores of glucose for energy. This kicks in your body’s natural craving for sugar and carbohydrates for energy. If you have sudden and uncontrollable cravings for things like chocolate, high-carb foods, candy, and sugary treats, then your body may be trying to signal that it is thirsty. So try to cut back on the sweets and candy, and have some water the next time you get a random and strong sugar craving.

Less Urination

When the body is properly hydrated, you should be going to the bathroom multiple times a day. But during dehydration, the kidneys will try to hold onto as much fluid as possible. So you will urinate much less. Also with dehydration, urine will become darker and have a stronger order with a cloudy appearance. Not having enough water is a risk factor in potentially developing urinary tract infections, as your body cannot effectively clear out toxins and bacteria from your system. A sign that you have reached a more optimal level of water intake is when your urine is a lighter shade and is clear, with much less odor.

Tags: health, water, bacteria, dehydration, immunity, toxins, waste