7 Telling Signs You’ve Gained Weight

When it comes to weight, changes can sneak up on you. It can be hard to tell at times if you have gained weight. Packing on more pounds can happen slowly over time, and you may not notice until you have gained a significant amount of weight. This is why it is good to understand some indicators that you have gained weight. This can be helpful if you are trying to lose weight, as it can help you realize you may need to make some adjustments. And it is also beneficial if you are hoping to gain weight, as this can let you know you’re on the right track. Check out these 7 telling signs that you’ve gained weight.

Step on the scale

This is pretty obviously one of the easiest ways to check if you’ve gained weight. But it’s not quite that simple. You can step on the scale everyday and there will be some fluctuation in weight. If all you see is a slight change, then you are likely just witnessing some water weight. But if you have gained more than half a pound since your last weigh in, then you have likely actually gained some true weight. If you do see a lot of weight gain that is merely water weight, it may be a good idea to drink more water and intake less salt.