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10 Best Smells In The World

No matter where we are or what we are doing, we experience the world through our senses. One sense in particular that holds very strong weight is our sense of smell. Scent can carry so much meaning and memory, whether it is the smell of freshly baked cookies at your grandmother’s house or the perfume of your high school sweetheart. Your sense of smell can transport you to another time and place in the blink of an eye. While smells can be very personal and individualized, there are some smells that we all share a love of. These smells are widely recognized and have a universal commonality that can bring various types of people together. These popular smells tie us to particular memories or associations to concepts and familiar places or things. If you are ready to go through a journey of aroma discovery, check out these 10 best smells in the world.

Candle, Table, Flowerpot, Plant, Tableware, Houseplant, Window

Fresh Cut Grass

Freshly cut grass is one of the most popular scents. It evokes feelings of better weather approaching and the arrival of Spring. When grass is cut, it releases a compound called cis-3-hexenal is released, which is in fruits like grapes and strawberries. What is interesting is that this smell is emitted by plants as a signal of distress.