7 Ways to Feel More Positive About Monday (4 of 4)

Morning Routine

If there’s one thing that’ll help you get started on Monday, it’s enjoying your morning routine. You’ll feel a lot better if you wake up 30 minutes early to have a nice long breakfast instead of popping out of bed at the very last moment to drink a cup of coffee and get straight to it. Start your Monday morning relaxed, and you’ll feel more relaxed. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Work Hard, Play Hard

The most important thing in life is balance, so whenever you need to do something intense for work, you should compensate with something intense for yourself. Had a long, boring meeting? Go meet up with some friends at a local pub. An annoying deadline that took you half a day of intense work? Take a nice long bath to unwind. If you keep everything balanced, Friday will be there before you know it!

Tags: happiness, happy