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9 Beauty Tricks That Can Actually Ruin Your Look

9 Beauty Tricks That Can Actually Ruin Your Look

Did you know there are some popular beauty trends that could actually be working against you?

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11 Makeup Tricks for Dark Skin

11 Makeup Tricks for Dark Skin

For many years, there were hardly any products with proper palette selections for dark skin. There are more companies who are getting better at inclusivity in skin tone. But it can still be difficult for people with darker skin tones to find shades that complement their skin. These hacks will show you how to make different looks work for you, and what trends and styles work best for you.

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Make up Essentials for Ladies

Make up Essentials for Ladies

Beauty is incomplete without makeup. It boosts your confidence when you cover your flaws with it. By wearing makeup ladies feel comfortable if they have any skin pigmentation or acne. Natural beauty itself is enough to get noticed but by wearing makeup you can enhance it. There is some makeup essential for ladies.

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