11 Makeup Tricks for Dark Skin

With so many different makeup companies, there is a wide variety of makeup products targeted at consumers. But what is disappointing about the beauty industry is that historically there has been little diversity in the range of products suited for darker skin tones. For many years, there were hardly any products with proper palette selections for dark skin. Even though there are more companies who are getting better at inclusivity in skin tone, it can still be difficult for people with darker skin tones to find shades that complement their skin. But there are some tips that can help you on your makeup journey if you have darker skin. These hacks will show you how to make different looks work for you, and what trends and styles work best with your natural skin tone. Check out these 11 makeup tricks for dark skin.

Use frosted lips sparingly

Frosted lips were all the rage back in the early 2000’s, and was a trend that many of us tried at least once. But for dark skin, the contrast can look very dramatic. If this is the look you are wanting to achieve, then frosted lips are a go. But if you want something that will naturally complement your skin, go for a more solid color that will bring a look of sophistication.