Top 10 Things About Makeup Guys Can’t Stand

All men are pretty aware of the fact that most women wear makeup. It’s standard in the repertoire of most women in modern society, and it is a part of their daily routines. Makeup is a simple way to spruce yourself up instantly and change your mood for the whole day. It can also make you more attractive to men. But while it may be attractive to men in some ways, it can also be a turn-off to them as well. How women perceive makeup can be drastically different from how men perceive it. You may be surprised at how some men actually see women when they have a face full of makeup. To learn more, read on and discover the top 10 things about makeup that guys can’t stand. 

Men can be terrified of bright lips 

It may seem weird to think of this as true, but some men are actually a bit scared of bright lipstick colors. They could be wondering what their lips will look like if they give you a kiss and how they will look long after the kiss is done. It can also make it hard for them to focus on other things besides the lipstick. Some guys might even say, “Man, my eyes hurt!” According to the opinion of some guys, bright lipsticks can actually do more harm than good and keep them from being able to witness your naturally beautiful features.