6 Reasons You Aren’t Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals (2 of 4)

2. You Didn’t Win the Genetics Lottery

This is one of those things that a lot of people have a difficult time accepting: due to your genes, it might not be possible to achieve the body type that you want. For instance, studies on twins have found that body weight is 70% determined by genetics. Furthermore, while you might have a certain weight range that you’d like to be at, your body begs to differ. There is a set-point in which your body is essentially content. So if you’re eating right and getting a reasonable amount of exercise, there comes a point when your brain steps in and decides you’re losing too much weight and it will find ways to push it back up.

The Solution: If you’ve lost weight, want to continue doing so, and don’t want to gain it back, the keys are to continue consuming fewer calories and pace yourself. Beth Israel Medical Center recommends not shedding more than 10% of your body weight over a 6 month period. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, you shouldn’t lose more than 20 pounds in six months.

3. You’re Aging and Losing Muscle

It is a reality that once we reach our 40s, we see a decrease in muscle pass of between 3 and 8 percent every decade. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, this can become a serious problem. In addition, natural changes in fat tissues associated with aging can also lead to weight gain.

The Solution: Although we can’t turn back Father Time, we are in full control over our health habits. This means eating foods that are full of fiber and nutrients, avoiding highly processed foods, and incorporating resistance training into our exercise routines.