6 Reasons You Aren’t Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals (4 of 4)

6. You Skip Meals, Then End Up Binging

Skipping meals might seem like a logical way to cut back on calories, but this strategy will ultimately come back to bite you. Or at least result in you biting into more cookies and pizza. If you don’t eat enough, your body will set off alarms telling you to do something about it. So you end up eating an entire bag of Doritos right before bed.

The Solution: Maintain a food schedule that your body can predict. For instance, if you eat throughout the day, your body will feel no need to hit the panic button. Even if your goal is to lose weight, you need to find nutritious foods to eat during meals and even snack time to keep you feeling full and satisfied. By the way, there’s nothing that says you should never eat cookies or ice cream again. Just plan for it rather than eat it spontaneously. And make it a reward to treat yourself for reaching a particular goal rather than a “because I have a craving for it” habit.

Tags: diet, weight loss, calories