10 Tips For Getting Started With Dance Cardio & Dancer Sculpt Workouts

When it comest exercise, you have to continuously be in motion and keep your body surprised. If you become too accustomed to your workout regime, your body could get a little too comfortable and start burning less calories during exercise. But sometimes it can be difficult to continuously find new workout styles and routines. What many people forget about is dance as a form of exercise. Dancing is one of the best workouts you can partake in – it is also one of the most fun and entertaining styles, ensuring that you do not grow bored during your exercise sessions. Plus, dancing can tone and shape your body in beautiful ways that will definitely pay off the next time you try on your favorite pair of jeans. Check out these 10 tips for getting started with dance cardio and dancer sculpt workouts.

Look for Dance Studios
One of the best ways to start out with dance exercise is to find a dance studio to go to. You could work with a dance instructor one on one, or even join a couple of classes to get your feet wet. This will also provide the social benefit of dance by exposing you to others who also enjoy dance.

Check out Youtube Dance Videos
If you don’t want to or cannot attend dance classes in person, you can also check out some videos online. Youtube is a great resource to find dance videos – and even better, you have a plethora of styles of dance and instructors.

Incorporate Light Weights
Another way to jazz up your dance exercise is to incorporate some light weights. This can help you increase your movement and make your workout even more beneficial. Whether you are just starting out with cardio or are an expert, weights can be a great addition.

Keep Your Workout Gear Comfortable
With dance, there is alot of movement involved. So it is a good idea to wear very comfortable shoes and clothes during dance exercises. Choose clothing that is flexible and allows for alot of movement and stretching.

Have Fun With It!
The saying “dance like noone is watching,” is popular for a reason. Dancing will help you burn calories regardless, but enjoying the exercise will bring joy and stress relief to your day. As you begin your dance workouts, really try to let loose and have fun.

Make Sure You Stretch
With any form of exercise, it is so important to make sure you stretch. Keeping your muscles limber and loose by stretching before you start your dance workout will help you be able to perform the moves that much easier.

Engage Your Muscles
The best part about dance is that it is not only fun, but a great way to work muscles that may typically get little attention. Dancing is a full body workout, so every dance move gives you the chance to get a really good workout for every muscle.

Elongate Your Body
Many styles of workout are beneficial to the body, but may not push you to lengthen your muscles. One of the specific benefits of dance is that it encourages your muscles to elongate instead of shorten. While you are performing different dance positions, take time to focus on stretching and lengthening your muscles.

Turn Up the Tunes
As mentioned, dance is good for the body, but also good for mood and stress relief. This is partly due to its incorporation of music, which is one of the best mood lifters you can enjoy. Using music that really speaks to you and makes you happy can help you let go of control and really enjoy the dance workout.

Increase Your Heart Rate
The great thing about dance is that you are working out, but may actually forget this fact because you are having that much fun. There are so many options for dance exercise, from dance cardio to sculpting dance routines. No matter what you choose, it will all kick your heart rate up – which is the goal to make the most of your workout. So let loose, have fun and really commit to achieving those big, challenging positions in your dance workout.